

Double Trouble with Steven Peyer: Sharing the Sauce on Two New Books!

“Be Here, Be Now” -Ram Dass

Steven with daughter, Lucia.

I am honored to share about this man, his spiritual journey, transformation, dedication to service, and his upcoming Hezzie Mae BOOKS.

I also bring you a healthy dose of his depth, profound thoughts, and inner murmurings.

I proudly introduce you to Steven Peyer.

Favorite Group or Song: Phish, Phish, and Phish and then more… Phish

Your aura is veiled in mystery and intrigue. Where shall we begin to uncover Steven Peyer’s secrets?

I am a statistical anomaly in that I have changed my life so drastically and survived addiction, codependency, and severe trauma.

Now living happily with a tempered post-traumatic stress (meaning the stress is no longer a disorder), I am a lover of all things and people, both absurd and seemingly mundane.

I am exceptionally passionate about anything severe or sensitive. I am playful again and do my very best to embrace acceptance on all levels.

I am fiercely protective of those who cannot help or protect themselves, and this very much includes our natural world. I am a champion of regeneration as a paradigm shift.

Beauty is not lost on me; love and gratitude exude from me.

Well, if that isn’t just clear as mud! What do you do, what do you specialize in, what are you known for?

It would be nice if we could all be known for what we are doing now, but with the last part of your question, which is absolutely relevant, I must talk about the past.

Prior to my emotional maturity, my way of living, and the setting of my soul free, I was primarily known as an ego-centric, hard-charging, substance and material-fueled chef whose talents and abilities did not align with his treatment of others and the world at all times.

Steven in a previous life, assuredly with a bottle of fish sauce nearby.

That is not to say I was not inherently good, generous, loving, responsible, and well-intended.

I was either your best friend or worst enemy, sometimes both simultaneously. I lived a dualistic, rebellious existence, to say the least.

But we all know what they say the road to failure is paved with.

Much like bouldering, each decision in life is a handhold and each obstacle a challenging pitch. You must assess the terrain, carefully plan your route, and be prepared to adapt when unexpected challenges arise.

Now, I imagine the impressions I make and leave behind are of an extremely hardworking, dedicated, and innovative man—one whose purpose is clear and radically exploited.

Personally, I work tirelessly and constantly at being the father I did not know how to be, the honest friend and partner that my people deserve, and the loving and caring stranger.

Professionally, my first passion and priority is service.

I serve as the co-founder and chief operating officer of the non-profit Wilde House Of, which is focused on the dynamic, upstream regeneration, and self-empowerment of today’s at-risk youth.

I co-found and serve as the Creative Development Director of Third Coast Superior, a company that is redefining social and environmental responsibility by creating, amongst other innovative projects, the only regeneratively and domestically sourced and crafted fish sauce in North America. (WOW!)

Finally, I am weeks away from publishing my first book, One Man’s Murmuration: A Memoir of One Man’s Sea Change and Transcendence to the Infinite Realm, while writing my second, Vignettes & Umami-Centric Recipes From The Third Coast: A Real Cookbook For the People.

Could you share some insights into your writing journey? What inspired you to write it, what aspects brought you joy, and what challenges did you face?

Strangely enough, the first year of writing this book was perhaps the only time I fit into any mold in my life.

During this first year, the stuck Author mold was made for me.

The only words written came out of my mouth every single time I was prodded about “what the hell” I was doing in Hibbing, MN, alone in the winter.

“Well,” I would say, “I’m writing my memoir.”

It had still not occurred to me that I could mentally muster the strength, which translated perfectly to not writing.

There has never been a lack of having something to say or wanting to share the absurdity and inspiration with others.

I have lived, by anyone’s definition, a very interesting and meaningful life. Or even how I would say it, it would be as it was.

No more masks or veneer. This vulnerability did have me struggling for some time with my PTSD and depression, but I continued to evolve and remain willing to accept the unknown and unforeseen.

Sharing space with Hezzie Mae and me, Heather Wilde. Thank you, Steven.

The precise challenge came, and I love challenges, when my publisher suggested that I do a cookbook to accompany the release of our fish sauce.

That was it. I was so internally frayed and bristled by the thought of doing something another company had done, not that the content quality would ever compare.

That other fish sauce company’s cookbook is aptly titled “That Other Fish Sauce Company’s Cookbook.”

I just don’t do things that have been done anymore; it’s a waste of time, definitely my time.

The next morning, I opened the laptop and began writing “Murmurations.” And I wrote nearly every morning for three months.

The vulnerability had arrived. The words flew out and swirled in unison—like a murmuration.

Starling murmurations. A large flock of starlings fly at sunset in the Netherlands. Hundreds of thousands starlings come together making big clouds to protect against birds of prey.

Watch Hezzie Mae for updates on One Man’s Murmuration.

For clarity, I am profoundly spiritual and guided by the infinite power of this and the infinite number of universes. I do my very best to stay on the beam, and when I am off, I do one thing only. I get right the fuck back on as quickly as possible.

Anyone can look at the Oxford definition of Murmuration. Still, when I see murmurations, I see one of the most beautiful examples of the importance of purpose and the symbiosis and connectedness necessary to exist with true purpose.

Where is “Murmurations” in the publishing process? What can we expect to find within the pages?

Originally, I intended to interlace my life’s story with recipes and finally title it after the ten most difficult years of my life.

I somehow allowed myself to create and explore the unknown during this time.

This was at the same time when my fish sauce project first took flight. The original book title was Umami Oddysee.

By about the second chapter, I realized this book would not be narrated by my fish sauce journey. It would be narrated by my soul’s desire to help others, to re-emerge from the darkness and celebrate the chrysalis.

I think the new title was announced a few weeks ago on a weekly venture to my Ketamine treatment. It was just there.

It is in the final pre-beta reader editing phase, and exciting work is being done on the design and cover.

I am also extremely proud to say that it is dedicated to the life, love, memory, and constant presence of my grandmother, Joyce Arlene Albers.

It’s a wildly entertaining book, in my humble opinion. You will find my raw pain and trauma, my unique approach to survival, achievement, failure, and discovery of purpose, and the grasping of a journey to enlightenment.

The characters and scenarios you will witness are no less than mind-boggling; some make Hunter S. Thompson look calm and collected.

You will find grand humor, redemption, a lot of struggle, and more grand humor. Then you see the epilogue and, finally, the last page.

What other ways do you consider yourself creative? Do you have any other writing ventures planned?

If I were not naturally very creative, I am certain that I would spontaneously combust.

I don’t see anything in life as a barrier or obstacle, only a challenge and opportunity.

Mostly, I am not even looking at existing ones; I am too busy creating and pioneering new methods, practices, and approaches to concern myself with what is out there.

As far as new writing, I keep pretty busy blogging for the Third Coast Superior website and, of course, my second book. Each recipe is really a story, so it is a unique approach to a cookbook and gives everyone more of a glimpse into my world.

It is deeply steeped in my philosophy of food energies and surrendering to the flow.

What advice do you have for anyone who thinks they might want to write a book but haven’t started?

Hmmm… If you’re waiting for it to hit you like a brick, that moment when your quandary disappears, and your words are set free—it didn’t happen to me that way.

The Universe has your back, if you are willing to allow it.

I had to listen. It was subtle; it was quiet.

Some of the best advice you’ll ever hear, regardless, is to really be aware.

Be open, be willing.

You are special if you know you are. You can do anything you want if you know you can.

Accept that you are connected to the infinite power of the universe if you want to be. Yesterday is gone; it’s done. Yes, it has shaped you and given you so much, but it is not who you are.

And you are writing tomorrow right now.

This moment is all that you have, and it is infinite. It is so, so much. It is anything you want it to be.

So be here NOW.

Me. Heather N. Wilde. An indie author and publisher at Hezzie Mae.

These amazing book projects are spurring Hezzie Mae to consider becoming its own distributor. As a company that wants to celebrate creativity, creatives, and good deeds—I can no longer ignore the industry giants and their vision/mission. Stay tuned!

Take a deep breath, silence that inner critic, and embrace the truth:

You are worthy. Of love. Of happiness. As you are right now, today. Always.

Heather N. Wilde

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Remember: Ripples to Waves to MAGIC!

I am a writer, educator, indie publisher, artist, and trauma survivor. Visit HezzieMae.com for a paradigm shift in author mentoring, publishing, and creative, healthy living.

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Heather N. Wilde

Heather Wilde is an indie publisher and trauma survivor who discovered, through writing her own memoir, just how powerful and healing sharing your story can be. Now, she helps others do the same.

Heather believes everyone has a story that can change lives and heal their soul, and she’s here to help you bring yours to the world.


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